Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Disparities related to ethinic and cultural groups rsalted to low Assignment

Disparities related to ethinic and cultural groups rsalted to low birth weight - Assignment Example The involved health complications include cerebral palsy, hyperactive complications and chronic lung disorders (Goepfert, 2012). A discussion on the related disparities exhibit health complications for the minority communities of the world. In America, the affected minority communities include the Hispanic, Black American and the Hispanic white. The arising complication of low infant weight poses a great threat to the world health and survival of the infants. In America, the complication poses danger to the existing minority population due to the challenge health care structure. The resultant effects of prolonged disparities include prolonged complications for maternal health among the existing racial groups and the ethnic populace (Whitehead & Vincenzo, 2012). The realization of the impact of the current situation is evidenced by increased death rates. Material genetic contagion is a key contributor to the preterm birth among the minority communities in the United States of America. Other major causes of the preterm birth include maternal age gap, prolonged smoking addiction and general substance abuse. Hypertension is also a major concern for the increased preterm birth complications in the minority communities. There are family centered services that are community founded to help families with this issue and this sees to it that the family is abetted in this transition for better outcomes for their

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