Friday, November 29, 2019

The Individual, Faith, and Society Comparison Paper

Thomas Hobbes was a philosopher in English and is today known for his political philosophical work. His most popular book which created political philosophy foundation for him in the West was Leviathan– published in the year 1651. Hobbes main perspective in the book was social contract theory.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Individual, Faith, and Society Comparison Paper specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hobbes lived from1588 to 1679 and during his lifetime created a great impact on people with his political philosophy and views. This paper mainly compares the relationship between Thomas Hobbes as an individual, faith and the society apparent in his two major works from the early 17th century-Human Nature (1650) and Leviathan (1651). The nature of the individual Thomas Hobbes was born in a poor family with no riches, supremacy or influence. He was the son of village vicar who was disgraced by the world . Hobbes however was lucky enough to go to school by the help of his wealthy uncle who funded his education. Hobbes intellectual abilities were developed and recognized after going through systematic teaching in Latin and Greek classics. His intellectual talents managed to see him through to Oxford University and later on through the use of common sense and mature personality, Hobbes got the chance to tutor Cavendishes a young man from a noble family in England. Hobbes managed to come close to power because of his practical and intellectual abilities showing clearly the nature of person he was as an individual. We can say that he was a persistent man who never gave up easily and that is why he managed to reach far. Later on, his hard work enabled him to become a math tutor to King Charles II. This however did not make Hobbes a dominant person, it destined that he was definitely susceptible and aware of power. Hobbes managed to overcome all the political and social havocs that affect ed his life and which were the major things that shaped the way he was thinking. These factors did not hinder his intellectual growth. This shows how ordinary Hobbes was, he did not allow the surrounding affect his growth despite the fact that it affected his thoughts. Being a tutor shaped his writing and reading scope which finally enabled him to become the best publisher in Europe. While he was a tutor, he managed to get in contact with great and noble English intellectuals of his time like Francis Bacon. He also managed to learn a lot in France while he was in exile something he imposed after political and social havocs became great.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Hobbes rising reputation as a scholar and as a scientist gave him the chance to also meet chief scholarly figures in Europe during his time such as Gassendi, Mersenne and Descartes. Hobbes managed to find him self in a debate with these notable figures in Europe discussing mathematics, science and sometimes arguing on philosophy. His arguments with these people sometimes cost his intellectual reputation in Europe but that did not worry him. Hobbes had liberal thoughts whereby he believed that everyone has equal rights; he believed in natural equality for all people. His liberal thoughts later on brought a distinction between the state and civil society (Dietz 1990). This means that Hobbes had a political order character with a justifiable political power view of representative based on the people’s consent. His liberal elucidation of the law was living in a free world whereby everyone had the right to do whatever they liked or wished as long as the law did not forbid it. Hobbes understood humans as beings with motion and matter (Sorrell Rogers 2000). He believed that humans obeyed similar physical laws as that of motion and matter. This is why he viewed humans in the same directi on. However, he believed that humans could be influenced. Hobbes description of the nature of human was based on self-interest and social contract. These were his major political philosophy topics that he addressed to the people. In his book Leviathan, he stated that humans were not capable of ruling themselves because they were full of themselves and they are naturally self-centered and petulant. Hobbes therefore believed that a leader should be someone strong at heart not self-centered and petulant. The nature of Hobbes was also depicted in his writings which were undaunted by poor health and old age. This were however the major occurrences throughout his era. The only thing which brought Hobbes down was his health which failed him. In his eighties, Hobbes was still strong and passionate about life as he continued to express his secretarial thoughts and his philosophical thoughts; many times, he was controversially defending his quarters. This shows how strong and determined Hobbe s was, only death managed to silence him but still he died a hero. The nature of society Hobbes was born during the year when Spanish Armada had ill-fates of invading England. He lived during the period when there was heavy havoc and upheaval in England something the nation has never seen before since then. This mayhem faced by England had several facets and sources, fiscal and martial and lastly devout and political roots. During this period, England was at odds with itself in different ways.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Individual, Faith, and Society Comparison Paper specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There was a great division between the rich, poor and powerful people. Each group had different opinions and support for the king specifically regarding taxation that was implemented by the monarch. There was also a division in the parliament regarding its own supremacy and authority in relation to the King. The people were at odds both religiously and financially. There was huge inequality in possessions and wealth. There was also Civil wars cataclysm in England which led to the development of splendidly drastic political and religious wings in the nation. A good example is the equality that existed between the levelers in terms of political rights and wealth. The diggers were more drastic and battled for wage labor eradication. The civil wars in England led to a great division in the military for example Cromwell which is the republican challenger army was the residing place for the levelers (Dietz 1990). Nevertheless, Cromwell destroyed the control and power that they had within different ranks in the army. King Charles I’s efforts to enforce uniformity in religious acts were almost annihilated by the brittle condition between England and Scotland merger. These are some of the reasons why Hobbes feared England and went on exile in France: he feared political and social chaos. He had the opportunity to observe the pandemonium and at the same time suffer from its effects before he flew to France and came back to England when the political and economic turmoil had reduced. How Hobbes relates to the society Hobbes related to the society in different ways both directly and indirectly. He was the father and the initiator of contemporary political philosophy. He encouraged political science and empiricism in England. He confronted religious power and preferred authoritarian state. His political ideology was mainly based on secularism, science and empiricism whose influence is still experienced in America today specifically in the state and also in the church. Today, many people are still living in the world that Hobbes created, a world of humanity and human authority. There is justification in human authority today. However there are people who do not accept and believe on human authority a world created by Hobbes. However, Hobbes was against political and soc ial disparity and a religious turmoil. Hobbes fought for humanity; his thoughts were that all humans should be given equal rights, a moral claim which demanded human basic interest protection. He wanted this human authority to be enforced by the parliament and political powers in England.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Hobbes also related with the society through his literature works. He was a mathematician, a scientist, classic literature translator, law writer and lastly he was notorious of writing and raising religious questions especially disputes that existed in the church. Hobbes also wrote political and moral books such as Leviathan, the Elements of Law, Natural and Politic and Treatise on Human Nature among many others. He was one of those interesting intellectuals that existed in the world during the seventeenth century. The Role of faith in the relationship between Hobbes and society In the seventeenths century, a period when Hobbes lived, the people considered themselves equals and that is why they competed against each other for the scarce resources. The main notion for the people in England society was all against all and that is what they believed in (Sorrell Rogers 2000). However, Hobbes did not like the faith that the society had and that is why he was determined to change the peo ple’s perspective and belief. His believed that if people have trust and view each other as equals it would promote peace and understanding. He therefore demanded and expected everyone to follow his faith on social relations since that was the only way that they could do away with civil war in England. The state had the responsibility of promoting fairness among the people by first ensuring that judicial and executive powers together with lawmaking bodies join together to become a single body to form the monarch or parliament. This body will have the authority over religious beliefs and doctrines. The parliament can also breach rebels because the King work was to create peace whereby he has no right to commit evil or act unlawful. How the structure of the selected literary works shapes themes of Hobbes, society and faith Hobbes wrote many books and the major one popular ones being Leviathan and Treatise on Human Nature which he used mechanistic and scientific principles to ad dress his political thoughts and views (Sorrell Rogers 2000). The major theme associated with Hobbes, the society and faith shape the literary works in different ways: it brings out the uniqueness of Hobbes work, his desire to change the world and his good motives towards the society he lived in. Hobbes choice to write in mechanistic principles enabled people to understand what he was addressing. His works were not plan work since he compared humans to the universe and explained them using mechanical processes something visible for all to see and understand. References Dietz, M. (1990). Thomas Hobbes and Political Theory. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press. Sorrell, T. Rogers, G. (2000). Hobbes and History. London: Routledge. This essay on The Individual, Faith, and Society Comparison Paper was written and submitted by user Desmond Q. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Analysis of Victorian business within the import and export industry

Analysis of Victorian business within the import and export industry Introduction The export and import industry encompasses a vast number of businesses, as well as export intermediaries who play a pivotal role in business operations. Every export and import company utilizes one or more export intermediaries in order to foster success in its operations.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of Victorian business within the import and export industry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More International trade operations have played a very crucial role in the promotion of Victorian business the Foster Group. International marketing success has become interplay of the main business, export intermediaries, export management companies, as well as export trading companies, a style mainly for conducting business in Europe. Appropriate research methodologies are crucial in analyzing a Victorian business. Measures such as efficiency and effectiveness are considered vital in the international trad e operations, which can be promoted using effectively coordinated CRM and exporter-intermediary relationships, regardless of the scope of business operation (Jenster, et al., 2008). The discussion in this paper offers a detailed discussion on the analysis of Victorian business within the import and export industry; a case of foster group business. Complete analysis is facilitated by a discussion of research methodology used to collect information from the selected company. An introduction to the company products spearheads the material of the essay. A detailed discussion of export intermediaries and their role in international trade is ample to be presented in this paper. In addition, a discussion of the export intermediaries that the chosen company uses and their functions, as well as suggestions for the company to improve the efficiency of international trade operation will be presented. Research methodology A combination of quantitative and qualitative data collection strategy is employed in the study of the organization. A mail questionnaire is found appropriate for utilization, which is used to collect both primary and secondary data. The questionnaire constitutes of both open ended as well as close-ended questions in order to cater for quantitative as well as qualitative components. Sample unit of the study is the export and import department within the company, since it is considered to have the required detailed information concerning the type of international trade operations. The exercise has its target on the managers who operate in the international affairs department as well as company directors (Balabanis, 2005).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Company’s profile The Foster Group is a multinational company dealing with exportation of major beverages via export intermediaries. It was founded by William and Joseph Foster in Melbourne, New York in 1986 as a medium enterprise. The export intermediaries are highly valued in this company for their pivotal role in the international export and import operations. Among the most crucial company’s products are beer, wines, spirits, cider, as well as a vast number of non-alcoholic products. The main objective for the group is to maximize its profits by reaching a large number of customers. Moreover, the company is out to come up with the most effective brands and customer services. Furthermore, the company’s mission is to become the best company in the world in terms of exports production (Jenster, et al., 2008). On the other hand, the company is hierarchically managed by employees at distinct operational levels. CEO heads the company, while general managers and company directors oversee operations in different international firms. Middle-level employees are also found within the company to facilitate the implementation of trade strategies. The com pany values sustainability as a driver to a higher company value and its globalization. Leadership, as well as appropriate benchmarking strategies is considered as vital tool for the company’s success (Jenster, et al., 2008). Analysis of the type of organization based on its service offering The company handles a vast number of beverage products, and it would be categorized as a full service provider (FSP), in relation to exportation and importation. This is as a result of combining both transaction creation (TS) and physical fulfillment transactions (PF). The rationale of these products is the provision of physical fulfillment (PF) services to its clientele. The execution of physical fulfillment services is deemed crucial for the organization in terms of documentation of high order for export and import products. These documents include export fulfillment records, for instance, freight and insurance quotation, branding, packaging and product marking. All characteristics of t he transactions that take place are ideally documented. The warehousing details, as well as forward of freights via third parties involvements are also recorded for future references. According to Balabanis (2005), the transaction creation rationale concerning the company’s services entails researching on products and designs in the general market to ensure conformity with brand and product requirements. Training services to employees, country directors as well as other international dealers are also opportunities provided by the Victorian business.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of Victorian business within the import and export industry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Key activities like conduction of international market research, advertising programs etc, are deemed crucial activities for international trading companies. In addition, marketing research is crucial in order for a company to widen the scope of the international operations. Balabanis declares that a company’s interior and peripheral contingencies, as well as the organizational type, determine the kind of service for an international organization. The physical market distance is considered part of the internal contingencies. Thus, the Victorian business is best suited for the provision of transaction creation services, for it has an office and a warehouse that is located in the local market. Moreover, the organization is international in providing services to a number of countries including New Zealand, Australia, USA, Pacific Island etc, thus found to comprise of international market mixes (Vasset, 2009). EIs and their role in international trade A variety of export category classifications is needed for the accomplishment of exportation and importation tasks. Export intermediary services have traditionally been classified as those that are offered to customers, as well as those offered to suppliers. M ost recently, a modern categorization is that of transaction creating export services as provided by the export intermediaries. Seeking information on market availability for the client company is among the key roles that are performed by the EIs for the Victorian business. The market research activities are a crucial part of the intermediaries, finding opportunities in the foreign market for their client. Other intermediaries are out to carry out export transactions on behalf of their customer, including price negotiations to ease the burden for their client. They are attributed to playing the greatest role in the international trade since their activities facilitate exchange of products and services between different suppliers and customers in different countries (Wyld, 2010). Suggestions for the company to improve the efficiency of international trade operation Important business and performance measures are deemed crucial for the enhancement of international trade. First, effici ency in customer handling and sustenance drives business to successful ends. Secondly, effectiveness in customer, stakeholder, as well export intermediary’s relationship is an important measure for consideration in business performance. The improvement in business efficiency should be the main aspiration by top management within a sound organization. Several factors are considered in the aspect of business operations efficiency, which include Customer Relationship Management, corporate governance, resource-based view and business sustainability in addition to corporate social responsibility (Dick and Merrett, 2007). Customers serve a key aspect in business success, regardless of what type it is. Therefore, the Foster Group needs to practice customer satisfaction via implementation of effective strategies to enhance its CRM.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Customers are well attracted by effective brands, excellent employer customer relationship, as well as provision of technologically advanced services as crucial tools for promoting CRM. Secondly, the management should ensure appropriate leadership within the organization, employee training programs, as well as job satisfaction to enhance performance and productivity in addition to business sustainability and value. The enhancement of appropriate CRM, excellent intermediary relationship, sustainability, as well as value ensures efficiency in corporate social responsibility as resource-based view within a business organization. Moreover, the company has opted to place minimum quantities of orders to its dealers wholesalers and retailers for an increment in logistics efficiency in the international scope (Dick and Merrett, 2007). Conclusion The export international trade becomes successful when there is a coordination of the export business, as well as the export intermediaries. Export intermediaries play an international role in business sustainability as well as promotion of export value. Efficiency measures are highly valued within the export and import business scope as well as performance in business operations. Research methodologies used to evaluate the Victorian business should provide the best response when utilized in testing research hypothesis. Collection of data in this case employs the utilization of a questionnaire to seek responses from the target audience. Two types of export business operations are in existence, transaction creation businesses, as well as physical fulfillment services. However, more research should be conducted to explain the models that are appropriate for EIS to use in effecting their services to the export Victorian business. References Balabanis, G., 2005. Determinants of export intermediaries: service mix configurations. International Marketing Review, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 436-455. Dick, H. and Merrett, D., 2007. The interna tionalization strategies of small-country firms: The Australian experience of globalization. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Jenster, P. et al. 2008. The business of wine: a global perspective. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press DK. Vasset, A., 2009. National Packaging Covenant. Web. Available from:Â . Wyld, D., 2010. Top Ten Management on International Trade: An Overview of The World’s International Trade Operation That Underpins Globalization. Web. Web.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Inequality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Inequality - Essay Example parison because it takes into consideration the income factor which plays a significant role in dictating the wealth levels of the individual persons. Inequality is interconnected with social class, gender, and ethnicity. For instance, social classes define the person’s opportunities and financial position. This discriminates against people who are in lower classes. In addition, gender is used to deny some people opportunities, an aspect that increases the levels of inequality in the society. For instance, in some societies, people perceive women as weak, thereby not fit to hold high positions. This affects women’s ability to exploit their potential. Lastly, ethnic difference is another major aspect that has brought inequality in the society. Distribution of resources and opportunities are sometimes done based on this element. For instance, people of African origin and Asians find it hard to secure an employment position because of their ethnic background. This increases inequality levels in the society. Inequality is manifested through opportunities and outcomes. People who are poor in the society lack access to critical resources. For instance, they cannot be able to take their school to good schools and healthcare centers. Lack of education by these people’s children makes it hard for them to secure a descent work (Neckerman & Project Muse 2006). This constrains the families’ opportunities to earn a decent source of living. Affording good houses, food, and other basic needs becomes a challenge to these families. Social inequalities are not natural because they can be tackled by administration through equal distribution of resources to all people in the society and supporting the less fortunate. This form of inequality is caused by starting points. For instance, children who are born in family with wealth and assets are likely to gain access to tools of making wealth (Olyan 2011). However, those who are born in less fortunate families find it hard to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Disparities related to ethinic and cultural groups rsalted to low Assignment

Disparities related to ethinic and cultural groups rsalted to low birth weight - Assignment Example The involved health complications include cerebral palsy, hyperactive complications and chronic lung disorders (Goepfert, 2012). A discussion on the related disparities exhibit health complications for the minority communities of the world. In America, the affected minority communities include the Hispanic, Black American and the Hispanic white. The arising complication of low infant weight poses a great threat to the world health and survival of the infants. In America, the complication poses danger to the existing minority population due to the challenge health care structure. The resultant effects of prolonged disparities include prolonged complications for maternal health among the existing racial groups and the ethnic populace (Whitehead & Vincenzo, 2012). The realization of the impact of the current situation is evidenced by increased death rates. Material genetic contagion is a key contributor to the preterm birth among the minority communities in the United States of America. Other major causes of the preterm birth include maternal age gap, prolonged smoking addiction and general substance abuse. Hypertension is also a major concern for the increased preterm birth complications in the minority communities. There are family centered services that are community founded to help families with this issue and this sees to it that the family is abetted in this transition for better outcomes for their

Monday, November 18, 2019

FAMILY LAW - [Debate] This house believes that English law should be Essay

FAMILY LAW - [Debate] This house believes that English law should be amended to permit same-sex couples to - Essay Example Therefore, this means that the state or county is liable for the successful implementation of the rights that are required by the common citizens so that the people can conduct these marriages and register their marriages through proper law. With the introduction of the act of defense of marriage, the people found it easy somehow and got a way clear on how to go about and encounter various problems and issues because this act was clear in its order that marriage by definition was the union of a man with a woman. So the people were aware that what type of struggle was coming their way for getting their points transferred successfully in the upper houses of the United Kingdom. Moreover, at the present time there is no dedicated agency that has recognition on government level for this same sex marriage that people have forced for legalization. Those people who agree to the point that the law of United Kingdom should be amended to permit the same sex marriage present various reasons in t heir favor. The very first point that they put forward is that if at any moment of time, any place in the country, if two people are having a relationship, then it is not the job of the government to know about and furthermore intervene into their relationship and label it illegal. These people should have their own rights equal as other citizens, and therefore there is need to have a definition of the nature and the extent of relationship that these couples can have legally. The same sex marriage advocates are of the view that their points and issues should be addressed and therefore the government should include the interests and recognition of the appropriate and committed people in their relationship and thus their rights to be respected by everyone. Therefore, if the laws of the UK are amended for stabilizing and legalizing the same sex marriage then simultaneously there would result in reduction in the need of the society to support these people and to treat them artificially. The people in the society mainly ensure that each of the spouses of the couple has got appropriate safety and thus an argument presented by the supporters of the same sex marriage there is practically no difference in the abilities possessed by the same sex and the opposite sex in fulfilling their commitments about anything they are suppose to do. An argument that arises due to the belief of the government to be involved in the marriage is that the issues that usually come forth due to the sexual acts between men and women and these people are of the view that the education of the children is well carried about if they live among their biological parents but at the same time there is much less chances of conflicts in same sex marriage as compared to opposite sex marriage. With all the points put forward by the advocates of the same sex marriage, the other point of view that goes against this type of marriage are also there. These people argue that the society of the United Kingdom that we live in encourages the legal marriages that is they prefer the monogamy type of marriage as they are of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

State of Alabama Child Care Center Regulations

State of Alabama Child Care Center Regulations Patricia Berry Abstract The requirements for childcare centers, be it licensed Day Care or Home-based, varies by state. This assignment is to give the requirements as set by the State of Alabama for both types of facilities. Profound apologies offered to my professor for using easy-way-out by the shortcut of a copy/paste, which is the less attractive method in completing this assignment. The end-results are in pointing out the credibility and responsibility of those that care for children. State of Alabama Child Care Center Regulations From the DHS Child Care Services Division in Alabama are as follows: Agency Information Day Care Centers Home-based day care State Of Alabama Department Of Human Resources: Child Care Services Division Address: 50 Ripley Street Montgomery, AL 36130 Phone Number: 1-866-528-1694 Director: Must be at least 19 years old Possess a high school diploma or general equivalency diploma (GED); Must have at least 20 clock hours of training in administration and management and at least four clock hours of training in quality child care; Must have one of the following: 120 clock hours of preparation in child care and at least 12 months of operating experience as a child care worker or teacher or as a manager in a licensed child care or a state approved setting; -Or- Possesses certificates from one of the following: Child Development Associate (CDA) certificate or a Certified Child Care Professional certificate from the National Child Care Association (NCCA) in addition to a minimum of twelve months experience as a child care worker, teacher, or manager in a licensed child care or other state approved setting; -Or- Possesses an Associate’s degree in child development or early childhood education and a minimum of nine months of working experience as a child care worker or teacher or as a director in a licensed child care or other state approved setting; -Or- Possesses a Bachelor’s degree in child development or early childhood education with a minimum of six months working experience as a childcare worker, a teacher, or director in a licensed childcare or other state approved setting. On going training is a requirement by state regulations. Owner/Provider: Must be at least 19 years old; Must have a high school diploma or a GED; Must have 24 clock hours of preparation in child care and development Childcare training shall include hours in each of these areas: Child Development; Health, Safety and Universal Precautions; Quality child care and licensing; The Childcare Professional and the Family; Language Development; Positive Discipline and Guidance. Must reside in the house. Prior to initial licensing, the applicant/licensee shall submit to the Department a current Infant-Child (Pediatric) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Certificate (CPR) and a current First Aid Certificate. Thereafter, the licensee shall have at least twenty clock hours of training related  to child care each year. Documentation of training shall be on file in the home. Childcare training shall include hours in each of these areas: Child Development; Health, Safety and Universal Precautions; Quality Child care and Licensing; The Childcare Professional and the Family; Language Development; Positive Discipline and Guidance. Training in CPR and First Aid shall not be counted toward required training hours. Further training is required for uninterrupted licensing of home-based care. Teachers: Must be at least 19 years old; Must have a high school diploma or a GED (general equivalency diploma); and Must have a minimum of twelve clock hours training in childcare and development. On-going training/retraining is required. Assistant/Substitute Must be at least 19 years old; Must have a high school diploma or a GED; Must be available to help if caregiver must leave; Name, age, address, phone number, medical, and reference data must be on file at home. Documentation of a current Infant-Child (Pediatric) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Certificate (CPR) Assistants: Must be at least 16 years old; Must have finished eighth grade; Must be supervised by a teacher; Must not be included in the staff: child ratio Physical Space 32 square feet of indoor activity space for each child, designated areas of indoor activity space shall be provided for each grouping of children. Bathrooms, kitchens, isolation room, office, halls used as passageways, and storage  areas shall not be considered when computing activity  space. Physical space DHS has the right to restrict or limit the use of specific areas of the home, such as but  not limited to: outdoor play areas; bathrooms; rooms used by the children. -There shall be at least thirty-two (32) square feet of usable indoor floor space for each child the home is licensed or permitted to serve. Number and ages of children served: -Not to exceed, at any time, the number of children for which the center is licensed (stated on the license) Number and ages of children served: -The age range of the children received for care shall conform to the specifications  on the license/permit. -There can be no more than 6 non-related children allowed. -No home shall be licensed for more than three children younger than twelve  months of age. Nutrition and meals: Meals and snacks provided by the center for infants/toddlers shall comply with infant and child meal and snack patterns [shown in Section M., 2., page 73]. (DHR, 2009) Nutrition and meals: The licensee shall provide breakfast or a morning snack, a mid-day meal and at least one afternoon snack each day for the children in care. Meal and snack components and serving sizes [shall comply with patterns shown in Section M., on page 64.] (DHR, 2009) Conclusion Web sites often post a list of regulations for childcare centers for the benefit of newcomers to a state. One website, which encompasses the basic data in each locale, is the Childcare website. Information includes regulations and important contacts and valuable resources Military families have found this helpful when transferring to a new duty station. The information posted is easy to navigate and understand. The National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (NACCRRA) provide accredited information in the â€Å"Child Care Aware ®, a program of Child Care Aware ® of America, is partly funded by the Office of Child Care (OCC), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), U.S. Department of Health Human Services.† (NACCRRA, 2015) In reading over the list of both business positions, I find the most notable differences in requirements of Daycare and Home-based daycare are the director and teacher qualifications. What I do find the most disturbing is the minimum age allowed for both is nineteen (19) years of age. Granted, if a person has the certified credentials, the state licensing bureau will allow the public or private business to operate. Safeguards such as surprise inspections would tend to keep the directors more observant of proper operation requirements. My question is, however, how could a nineteen year old acquire the business knowledge at such a young age? Home-based daycares operate as babysitting mode while Daycares are more educational based for toddlers and older children. Infants benefit from interaction by responsible adults who are caring for them while the parent is away, which is evident in either daycare or home-based care. Lack of certified personnel (could) harm a child in either business. It is a parent’s responsibility to check thoroughly the credentials of any establishment prior to leaving their child in the hands of caretakers Website Credibility Ratings: Alabama Department of Human Resources found at The State of Alabama is a credible website in that it lists the exact expectations and requirements of all out-of-home childcare. The regulations listed as per the State of Alabama Legislation, which are easily cross-referenced. This website is not a politically run site which invites blogs and advertisements. When cross-referencing any regulation, one can find the citation within the State of Alabama’s laws. If one wishes to take it further, searching within the State of Alabama and its legislative branch of state senators, the original bills and can be found by title or by the names of original house bills as presented to the state. NACCRRA, or National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies found in numerous locations, listed and categorized in NACCRRA is responsible for overseeing the content of Childcare Aware. This website has the list of professionals in the field of childcare. The website also includes the accreditation link for education in the childcare field as well as a convenient interactive map to find the specifics of each state for the licensing guidelines. Finally, the website does provide compliant business reference of childcare facilities that adhere to the specifications under the NACCRRA. It is not a politically biased source, nor is it a blog. References DHR, (2009). Retrieved from DHR, (2009). DHR, (2009). NACCRRA (2015). State Child Care Licensing. Retrieved from I would like to add a personal note, (and apologize to my professor for doing so in a formal assignment.) In the early 1980’s there were few regulations covering home-based care. I left my four children, ages 5 months to 6 years old, under the care of a person, recommended by a friend, while I worked full time. One day my husband and I arrived to pick up the children in the late evening. The youngest daughter, just barely 5 months old was in the woman’s lap, crying uncontrollably. The caretaker stated that she had been this way for three hours, (and yet she had failed to call me). What I noticed immediately was her right arm was dangling and not tensed up with fist balled like her left side. In questioning the caretaker, she claimed not to have a clue what was wrong with the baby’s arm. We left the other three children with her and headed straight to the hospital. After processing and viewing the x-ray, local police arrived at the Navy hospital. Not being allowed to see or comfort my baby, but I managed to sneak a peak of the x-rays from a distance. The x-rays revealed the tiny upper arm, the bones formed an â€Å"X,† it was no small wonder why the child was so distraught. The authorities chose to accuse me personally with abuse upon my child. The authorities continually refused to check my whereabouts for the entire day by checking with my employer, which would prove that I did not harm my child. After months of harassment by both Navy and civilian officials, they finally checked both my alibi and the background of the caretaker and her family. This turnabout came when I finally stated that I would sue all involved parties if they did not cease the endless barrage of accusations. The discovery included the revelation that the woman and her older son (age 15) were unfit to be caretakers due to history of mental illness (now called Bi-polar). She finally admitted to the authorities that she and her oldest son had intentionally snapped the baby’s arm. They were frustrated that at 5 months of age the baby was not yet flipping over or attempting to sit up. I had filled the woman in on the baby’s slow development prior to hiring her services. The baby contracted meningitis when she was in the newborn nursery (as h ad over 90 others during that time); her cognitive and physical development was months behind the standard ‘charts’ for heathy children. I had stayed at the hospital with my one-week-old daughter, defying orders to go home and just forget her. (The commander in charge of the unit said that I already had three children at home, and if I lost her, it would not make any difference! This angered me. They made me stop breast-feeding, claiming the spinal meningitis could have been spread by doing so. When they finally discovered that one infected nurse had caused the outbreak, there was no official apology issued the parents.) I watched babies surround me die from this horrible infection. Those that died did not have their parents with them, holding, rocking, and consoling their babies. (This is yet proof more that a parents contact with their babies gives the infant the love and support so very much required in their cognitive growth.) Sixty-five infants died during a span o f one week. Now that laws and regulations are in place for those that care for our children, if we do not thoroughly check out a person or business, we can blindly place our children in harm’s way.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Balancing Principles in Beauchamp and Childress :: Beauchamp Childress Ethics Essays

Balancing Principles in Beauchamp and Childress ABSTRACT: In the latest edition of Principles of Biomedical Ethics, Tom Beauchamp and James Childress provide an expanded discussion of the ethical theory underlying their treatment of issues in medical ethics. Balancing judgements remain central to their method, as does the contention that such judgements are more than intuitive. This theory is developed precisely in response to the common skepticism directed at "principlism" in medical ethics. Such skepticism includes the claim that moral reasoning comes to a dead halt when confronted by competing conflicts between moral norms in a given pluralistic situation. In this paper, I use examples from the text to show that despite the authors’s arguments to the contrary, balancing judgements are the product of unreasoned intuitions. Given the necessity of some such judgements in any principle-based system, my argument highlights the degree to which principled ethical reasoning rests upon an arational core. "Principlism" is the term often used, sometimes derisively, to refer to a method of moral reasoning found in medical ethics and elsewhere. At the core of principlism is the idea that ethical justification rests primarily, if not exclusively, in appeals to more general or "higher level" moral norms under which any more particular ethical claim can be subsumed. Principles of Biomedical Ethics, by Tom Beauchamp and James F. Childress, has for many critics in medical ethics exemplified the worse sins of "principlism." From its first edition, the authors have argued for the importance and usefulness of general principles for justifying ethical judgments about policies and cases in medical ethics. The organization of their book reflects this conviction, dividing discussion of particular ethical problems under the rubrics of the key ethical principles which the authors believe should govern our moral judgments: principles of autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence and justice. It was always a caricature of their views to label them as straight-arrow deductivists. (1) At the very least, they have from the first insisted on the necessity of making judgments about the proper balance to be struck between competing ethical commitments when they are in conflict. Since Beauchamp and Childress disavow appeal to any overarching framework from which such a balancing judgment could be derived, particular moral judgments could never for them be simple deductions from any single moral principle. But then one may ask how Beauchamp and Childress handle one of the key criticisms of principlism, which points to the inevitable conflict among principles in the sort of pluralistic system favored by many, (2) and the resulting need to "balance" or prioritize the norms in conflict.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Employee Recruitment and Retention on the Plumbing and Heating Industry Essay

The way in which companies recruit and retain their employees is considered as a competitive weapon. Not until recently that firms are becoming serious on the act of recruitment as the Bureau of Labor statistics estimates that jobs will grow faster at a rate that is not proportional with the labor force, hence forcing the aforementioned to appeal to various groups such as omen and minorities. As such not only recruitment is very vital but also retaining employees (Denton, 1992, p. 14). According to Frank Doyle, the senior vice president of corporate relations at General Electric: â€Å"For U.  S. corporations, tomorrow’s competitive battle will be won or lost on the strength of their ability to build and retain a skilled work force† (Richman 1990, 76 as cited from Denton, 1992, p. 14). General Electric believes that labor shortage does not significantly matter if companies know which people to hire and to retain. For instance, companies such as Merck & Co. often times target certain universities or campuses that give a more detailed specialization on certain knowledge and skills that are very vital to their business. The Plumbing and Heating Industry  The plumbing and heating industry has been experiencing shortages as well on their workforce due to the difficulty of finding skilled plumbers and retaining them. It needs several numbers of years training on order to become a qualified plumber and heater and such also requires a deep dedication for a lifelong learning process. Certain skills are also necessary to be a good plumber such as â€Å"need a head for heights, the ability to work in cramped conditions and the stamina to complete physically hard work day after day† (The Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering, 2007). In addition with this, plumbers also need the intelligence to solve complex equations. More importantly, they must have the expertise and flexibility to install various systems and the capability to comprehend the logic of various systems. They should also have the ability and initiative to solve a problem and a passion to know and apply various technologies on their work. Plumbers and heaters must also have a creative mind and a sound judgment, and finally they should be professional and honest (The Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering, 2007). Employee Recruitment Interviews In order to find the right people, the process of interviewing and getting to know them not only through their answers but also through their eye contacts, body languages and the likes (Dibble, 1999). For instance, some companies like Merck often conduct a 30-minute interview in order to assess the qualifications of prospective employees. Hewlett-Packard did it further by implementing a technique called â€Å"behavioral interviewing† that is developed by organizational psychologist Paul Green that would assess the future behavior of a prospective employee based on his or her past behaviors. In using this technique, interviewers can design employee questions that would allow them to elicit behaviors that are closely related to the job that they are looking for (Denton, 1999, p. 16). The process of behavioral interview often times identifies 21 skills that are very vital for certain jobs such as â€Å"coping, decisiveness, assertiveness, tolerance of ambiguity, written communication skills, creativity, commitment, team building, versatility, and leadership† (Denton, 1999, p. 17). For the aforementioned skills there are still eight job behaviors that are needed to be known such as how prospective employees deal with â€Å"varied duties, deal with diverse groups, respond to others’ needs, be socially flexible, â€Å"roll with the punches†, understand individual differences, make others comfortable, exhibit wide range of social behaviors ( â€Å"More† 1988, as cited from Denton, 1992, p. 17). Decentralized Hiring Traditional recruitment approaches that focuses on interviewing prospective employees by a single person is no longer deemed as vital nowadays. For instance, the Springfield Remanufacturing Corporation (SRC) one of America’s most successful small companies still has their hiring process as a group activity. SRC adopts a non-traditional method of recruitment by having all of their applicants have five or six interviews with various individuals that he or she might be working with (Denton, 1992, p. 18). Recruitment through Reputation The reputation of the company is also one of the leading factors in which highly knowledgeable and skilled employees will desire to work for the aforementioned. For instance SRC received more than 2,500 applications for a small company that only employs 300 people. It could also be noted that the company only pays $6 or $7 per hour, yet applicants are still flocking to them. One significant reason for this is its reputation for being one of the best places to work. One of the ways of doing such is the capacity of a company to manage the diversity of their workforce (Denton, 1992, p. 19). The shortages in terms of prospective employees is a growing concern among companies that is why there is a need to focus more on recruiting minorities and women. However, in order for a company to have a wide application pool, such must first establish to have a good reputation of being able to effectively manage organizational diversity (Denton, 1992, p. 20). Aggressive Recruitment for Entry-Level Workers One of the best ways to tap to a good employee resource is through recruiting entry-level workers through implementing various programs such as â€Å"Adopt-a-School† or â€Å"Join-A-School†. These programs allow companies and organizations to establish partnerships between business and schools which may involve elementary school, vocational school or even a university (Denton, 1992, p. 5). The main value of such programs is the establishment of closer relationships between schools and in a macro perspective, creating better understanding businesses and industry. More importantly, partnerships such as like these, would allow companies to easily recruit personnels that can improve the company’s image that could help the prospective applicants to view your company’s business as a career, hence a better chance of creating a wide labor pool (Denton, 1992, p. 26). Employee Retention If finding good people is hard, so as looking for ways to make them stay. One of the companies that have displayed such an admirable trait is Federal Express, wherein they have emphasized the importance of retention, recruitment and employee relations (Dibble, 1999). If a particular company is very careful in terms of recruiting, there is also a relatively better match of keeping them. One best way of doing such is the company centralizing all of its recruitment centers (Denton, p. 47). After which, they provide immense value on putting their people first on their list. Good employee relations for Federal Express involve â€Å"deeds that impress employees and improve relations† (Denton, p. 48). According to Fred Smith, CEO of Federal Express, â€Å"I think a lot of companies talk about how their employees are their most important asset, but where you can really tell whether it is very important or not is how much their senior management spends on the issues† ( Trunick 1989, 19 as cited from Denton, 1992, p. 48). Through implementing the philosophy of â€Å"people, service, Profits† the company makes their people feel that they are indeed needed in the organization. They let them answer several basic questions such as â€Å"What is expected of me, and what do you want me to do? † (p. 48). These questions are answered by having all of their employees attend extensive orientation programs wherein the Federal Express’ values are discussed Incentives Career advancement is not the only incentive that will make people stay within the organization. For instance the use of awards program that is designed to reinforce a particular desired behavior such as superior quality of work and customer centricity played a lot in terms of motivating employees to stay (p. 49). One very good example of this is Federal Express’ â€Å"Bravo Zulu Voucher Program: wherein employees who displayed admirable work performance such as going beyond what is expected of them are able to receive cash or non cash rewards. Also, their â€Å"Suggestion Awards Program† allow employees to participate in the management process by sharing their ideas that will enable the company to improve its operations. Any idea implemented that will lower costs, increase productivity, revenues or promote safer working conditions will receive recognition and $100 to $25,000 worth of cash (p. 49). Communications Open Communication among employees is also vital to solve a problem. The internal employee response program allows employees to find answers to situations that they perceived as something that is disagreeable, controversial or is contrary to existing policies. If employees express negative concerns about their work or with the management, the latter is expected to respond within 14 days. These concerns are assured to be forwarded to the CEO (p. 50). Appeals Board The Appeals Board is a venue wherein decisions among complaints could be given and also disciplines could be implemented. However, it is very important that when keeping such a type of venue for resolution of organizational conflicts, the organization must have the capability to streamline its process to make the time alloted for every case reasonable enough (Denton, 1999, p. 52). Survey, Feedback, Action (SFA) An annual survey of employee attitudes is also important for the company to measure its employee opinions and to make changes that could hopefully change not so favorable employee attitudes to the company (Dibble, 1999). This assures that the management will see clearly what its team feels about the organization. In addition such allows a fair gauge of attitude and anonymity among employees (Denton, 1999, p. 52). Education and Trainings Continued learning is a venue wherein employees themselves would feel that they are indeed valued by the company. As such it us also very relevant as well that the organization will invest on trainings or even scholarships to employees who wanted to continue their education (Logue, Yates and Greider, 2001, p. 46-47). Conclusion The Plumbing and Heating Industry has been experiencing a significant decline in terms of its workforce. Hence in order to solve this problem the industry must be able to adopt effective recruitment and employee retention practices that were formulated in theory and practice of various management scholars and organizations. For the purpose of this research, in order to have an effective recruitment process, the research has emphasized the importance of: Interviews, Decentralized Hiring, Recruitment through Reputation, and Aggressive Recruitment for Entry-Level Workers. On the other hand, in order to retain employees, companies must be able to focus on: Incentives, Communications, Appeals Board, Survey, Feedback, Action (SFA), and Education and Training.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Primary and Support Activities of Value Chain Essay

Raytheon Company has created new software that improves the logistics system of the company by providing constant tracking data of all products in the inventory, which has saved the company nearly $9M. MTrak is a web-based system that includes the Microsoft . Net technology, which is used to capture bar-code scans and combines it with information from the mainframe computer to provide tracking of all inventories anywhere within the company. A lot of stuff got lost, company had to have multiple people sitting by the phones to take the calls asking where the parts were. The creation of MTrak brings Raytheon online with its competitors in the industry. While the system does not create a competitive advantage to Raytheon, it does negate the disadvantage of a bad supply control system. The creation of MTrak contributes to the entire value chain by tracking the products from the beginning of the chain at Inbound Logistics, through Operations, Outbound Logistics, Marketing and Sales, through to the end of the chain at Service. The Technology and Competitive Forces The major problem at Raytheon was lost inventory. The suppliers were not to blame because they were able to account for every piece of property they supplied through their fully automated supply chains. From the beginning, the goal was to create a system that would track all materials used by Raytheon such as resistors, capacitors and customized computer chips from the time of order through receiving, testing, placement in inventory and final use in a military field radio, handheld motion sensor or some other Raytheon product . Whenever Raytheon received calls for a missing delivery personnel would physically search the area to see if the product was still there. In some cases, if the item couldn’t be found the employees would reorder the item so production schedules could be met.. The MTrak is a web-based system that includes such technologies as Microsoft . Net and Biz Talk 2004. These technologies, which captures bar-code scans and other information on incoming deliveries, combine it with other information from the mainframe system such as purchase-order inventory, anufacture-scheduling data. The integration of the MTrak and mainframe computers is possible through the use of software provided by WRQ Verastream. This system lets employees track the status and movement of parts throughout the entire company from a web browser. Competitive Forces-Value Chain The Value Chain consists of five Primary Value Chain Activities and four generic categories of support activities. The primary value chain activ ities are supported by the generic categories. In this case the primary chain activities that are being supported are the Inbound Logistics, Operations, Outbound Logistics, and Marketing and Sales. The supporting category is Technology Development. Raytheon created this technology in-house with publicly available software. Even though integrating the software into the daily business of the company did not create a competitive advantage, Raytheon was able to save money in many areas including lost inventory, delayed production, and outsourcing software development. Supporting the Company The MTrak tracking system provides a state-of-the-art software package that provides Raytheon with the means to track its entire inventory throughout the entire company from a web browser. This technology improves the value chain of the entire company. Though the use of this technology, Raytheon will be on a level playing field with other companies in the industry. It may even spur Raytheon an advantage in the future as the company continues to grow.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The eNotes Blog Woody Guthries Posthumous Novel, House of Earth FinallyPublished

Woody Guthries Posthumous Novel, House of Earth FinallyPublished What do Woody Guthrie, Johnny Depp, and historian Douglas Brinkley all have in common? Guthries only known novel, House of Earth. Brinkley, in one of those moments of discovery that scholars live for, stumbled across a reference to the work while doing some research. He, along with Guthries daughter Nora, were the first to read the unpublished novel. The manuscript was taken to Brinkleys friend and publishing partner, the actor Johnny Depp, who has created the new imprint Infinitum Nihil at HarperCollins. Guthrie wrote the the novel in 1947, when he was very well known, so it may seem surprising that his novel remained tucked away for 66 years. There are probably a couple reasons the book was never published. First, as his daughter Nora was surprised to find, there is some sexually explicit material, quite racy for its day, as Nora remembered to Lynn Neary on NPRs Morning Edition.  The opening chapter was so sexy, she said, laughing. I just went, whoa, Dad, where are you going with this? The other reason Guthrie likely could not find a publisher is because of the political climate of the time. The Red Scare was in full force and the book,   both a love story and a polemic against the bankers and businessmen [whom] Guthrie blamed for keeping the poor, poor was not a message that would find a buyer. These themes appear in some fashion in all of Guthries vast  repertoire  of songs, including the much-beloved, This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land. While many people happily sing along with its patriotic message, many express surprise when they truly read the lyrics and understand some of its subversive content: As I went walking I saw a sign there And on the sign it said No Trespassing. But on the other side it didnt say nothing, That side was made for you and me. Woody believed that the people that lived on the land should own the land, says Brinkley. So he was outraged at what bankers were doing, and when people were struggling and they couldnt pay rents and were being forced off the land. And so This Land Is Your Land and  House of Earth  are both aimed at people being able to say if you grew up on a  property it should be yours, and you should be able to live on it.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Critically analyse the assertion that the benefits of globalization Essay

Critically analyse the assertion that the benefits of globalization have been unequal and have led to widening global inequality - Essay Example These are just a few of the advantages that human societies and business activities enjoy from globalisation and its related activities. Globalisation is a term used to describe various macro-economic regulations and policies that influence various cross-border transactions and other systems that lead to increased interdependence in the citizens of many countries globally (McGregor 2008, 13). It is believed that globalisation activities in the world started in the 1990s. However, it is important to understand that trends in globalisation had began a few years before the 1990s (Ghauri & Powell, 2008, 54). Globalisation is said to have led to increased quality, efficiency and effectiveness in the quality of goods and services that were being produced by countries. Many companies began to improve in the supply management and distribution of goods and services, something that led to their growth and development, with expansions to other regions and countries. Globalization played a big role in economic integration, something that led to the economic growth and development in these countries. Currently, many countries are involved in various integration something that some people say has led to increased economic inequalities in different economies. This paper examines the effects of globalization and perceived inequalities that have results from it in various countries. The process of economic integration describes the rising economic integration as well as the interdependence witnesses in the national, regional and the local economies in many parts of the world. This process is often experienced in the intensification of the cross-border movements and transfers of products and services, capital and other important technologies used in economic activities. In as much as globalisation is described as a set of various processes that happen in the economic networks, cultural interchange as well as the in political circles, the rapidly

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Positive Train Control Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Positive Train Control - Term Paper Example Implementation of PTC is anticipated to range over the total rail track mileage of 70,000. PTC is basically a technology of train control that is processor or communication based meant to reduce the frequency of collisions between trains, derailments upon over-speeding, attacks into the defined zones of work, and a train’s improper movement through the main line switch. The systems of PTC are needed to execute various types of functions. There is a wide range of PTC systems that vary depending upon a number of factors that include but are not limited to the level of sophistication and complexity of the functionality and automation implemented by them, their wayside system which can be cab signaled, block signaled, or non-signaled, the kind of system architecture used, and the level of control they can achieve over the train. Use of the PTC system in the railroad industry has increased the safety of traveling by train manifolds. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) support s all rail carriers that are required to install and implement the PTC system as per law and others that implement the PTC system voluntarily, by means of a mix of project safety measures, regulatory reforms, funds, and technological development. The final rule encompassing the requirements of PTC was published by FRA on 15 January 2010, whereas the final rule amendments were published on 27 September 2010 and subsequently on 14 May 2012. 41 railroads initially deposited the plans of implementation that were reviewed by FRA but denied the approval of all prior to the statutory deadline of 90 days for review. Upon the resubmission of all 41 implementation plans, FRA finally approved 24 unconditionally, 1 conditionally, gave provisional approval to 14 implementation plans that were deposited with the Notices of Product Intent that were supposed to be resubmitted along with a development plan of PTC in 270 days, while 2 plans were disapproved. However, the staff of FRA sustained workin g with them to formulate approvable plans. Currently, FRA is collaborating with two more railroads that were not identified before in order to formulate and deposit successful plans of implementation. The fundamental idea in PTC is that the safety of train’s journey is enhanced by making it aware of its location and guiding it so that it stays on the right track. PTC achieves these functions by making use of networks of communication. â€Å"PTC systems are comprised of digital data link communications networks, continuous and accurate positioning systems such as NDGPS, on-board computers with digitized maps on locomotives and maintenance-of-way equipment, in-cab displays, throttle-brake interfaces on locomotives, wayside interface units at switches and wayside detectors, and control center computers and displays† (Poor, Lindquist, and Wendt, 2009). This prevents the train from making unsafe movements. PTC systems can work in both signaled and dark territories and may a lso use the GPS to guide the train. One of the main goals of FRA is, â€Å"To deploy the Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System (NDGPS) as a nationwide, uniform, and continuous