Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Amide Definition and Examples in Chemistry

An amide is a functional group containing a carbonyl group linked to a nitrogen atom  or any compound containing the amide functional group. Amides are derived from carboxylic acid and an amine. Amide is also the name for the inorganic anion NH2. It is the conjugate base of ammonia (NH3). Key Takeaways: What Is an Amide? An amide is an organic functional group with a carbonyl bonded to a nitrogen or any compound containing this functional group.Examples of amides include nylon, paracetamol, and dimethylformamide.The simplest amides are derivatives of ammonia. In general, amides are very weak bases. Examples of Amides Examples of amides include carboxamides, sulfonamides, and phosphoramides. Nylon is a polyamide. Several drugs are amides, including LCD, penicillin, and paracetamol. Uses of Amides Amides may be used to form resilient structural materials (e.g., nylon, Kevlar). Dimethylformamide is an important organic solvent. Plants produce amides for a variety of functions. Amides are found in many drugs. Sources March, Jerry (2013). Advanced Organic Chemistry, Reactions, Mechanisms and Structure (7th ed.). Wiley. ISBN 978-0470462591.Monson, Richard (1971). Advanced Organic Synthesis: Methods and Techniques. Academic Press. ISBN 978-0124336803.Montalbetti, Christian A. G. N.; Falque, Virginie (2005). Amide bond formation and peptide coupling. Tetrahedron. 61 (46): 10827–10852. doi:10.1016/j.tet.2005.08.031

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Principles Of Healthcare Governance - 925 Words

Governance is a set of ideas within a foundation that take on ethical behaviors and measurements to fulfill the practices of the mission of any healthcare organization. Its main purpose is to provide direction in an appropriate way to ensure that the quality and financial needs of all of its patients are provided successfully for each member of the community. Essentially, having the use of governance within an organization with the assistance of its members, which have been assigned certain responsibilities by making sure and overseeing each outcome by getting measurements, reports and then judging them accordingly? The article below will explain what the purpose of healthcare governance is in an organization and the roles each members plays making sure that it is followed through in accordance with each healthcare organization. Introduction Healthcare governance is the framework that organizations use to improve on their clinical, staff, corporate and financial performance (Verhovshek, 2015). It is set up into two pillars in healthcare which are corporate and clinical governance. The National Health Service introduced clinical governance in the Uni ted Kingdom as a framework to help organizations become accountable for improving on their quality of service to each patient by safe guarding and creating a safe environment which would involve excellence in clinical care. Clinical governance is the systematic approach to maintaining and improving on the quality andShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Clinical Governance Project Leader At Mokoia District Health Board Essay1479 Words   |  6 Pages GOVERNANCE MANAGEMENT IN HEALTHCARE HLTH.8002 ASSESSMENT 1-REPORT ID NUM 27009892 11/21/2014 â€Æ' Summary of the report I am Gowthami the health professional appointed to the role of clinical governance project leader at â€Å"Mokoia District Health Board†. This report discusses the 3 concepts of governance, management and clinical governance related to the district health board and includes introduction of clinical governance to the staff of Mokoia DHB. As a clinical governance projectRead MoreShared Governance Paper779 Words   |  4 Pagesdefinition, shared governance is one of the most innovative and idealistic of organization structures, was developed in the mid-1980s as an alternative to the traditional bureaucratic organization structure (Huston Marquis, 2004). 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Machiavelli and Renaissance Humanism Free Essays

Renaissance Humanism is defined as â€Å"a literary and linguistic movement-an attempt to revive classical Latin (and later Greek), as well as the values and sensibilities that came with the language† (Hunt et al, 415). I think that Machiavelli was a humanist of his era because in his writing The Prince, he relied on history to provide a handbook to future rulers and princes. Machiavelli drew much of this guidebook from his past dealings with politicians and their self-ambitious monarchies. We will write a custom essay sample on Machiavelli and Renaissance Humanism or any similar topic only for you Order Now In my opinion he wrote this guide to as a way to show future princes that the ways of the past should be adhered to in order for Italy to regain its prior glory. In The Prince Machiavelli uses many examples from history to show that we need to embrace the past in order to gain a prosperous future. Machiavelli’s, The Prince serves as a handbook to future rulers with their roles and responsibilities. Machiavelli begins his handbook with his view of princely virtues. He argues that in order for a person to be a good leader and stay in rule he must not just be a good person but that â€Å"he must learn how to not be good† (Lawall et al, 1951) in order to protect himself from anyone trying to overtake his rule. He must always be prepared and not make himself the â€Å"good guy† all the time. Machiavelli shows that being a good person all of the time will only allow for the bad people to overpower the good people, â€Å"because anyone who determines to act in all circumstances the part of a good man must come to ruin among so many who are not good† (Lawall et al, 1951). Machiavelli goes on to further his humanistic views on how a prince should be viewed by his people. He discusses the choices a person of power has in being â€Å"liberal† (1952) and generous or stingy. He goes on to say that being too liberal will bring a man of power to ruin and that being frugal is important. He explains that as long as a ruler â€Å"abstains from the property of his citizens and subjects† he will gain the respect of his people. He goes on to discuss that a ruler will be more respected if he is living and spending other people’s money. He discusses the examples set by Cyrus, Caesar, and Alexander in which they lived off â€Å"plunder, loot and ransom† (1953). These three rulers were spending the â€Å"money of others† (1953) and therefore were not hurting themselves by having to spend what was already theirs. Machiavelli goes on to explain that â€Å"nothing eats itself up as fast as does liberality† (1953) because when practiced it can lead to poverty and will make a ruler have to raise taxes which will in turn bring hatred on by his people (1953). Machiavelli also discusses the importance of being feared and loved as well as, being thought of as cruel but compassionate all at the same time. He uses Dido and Borgia as examples. Borgia is used as the example for cruelty. He says that because Borgia was so cruel his cruelness brought prosperity and unity to Romagna and therefore was prosperous because of the fear that he instilled in his people. But because his Senate was too â€Å"compassionate† he lost his clout (1954). Machiavelli also explains that a new prince is going to face several challenges and because of this will be faced to make very hard decisions that may or may not hurt his reputation among his people. Here he uses Virgil’s Dido as an example, â€Å"Hard circumstances and the newness of my realm force me to do such things, and to keep watch over all my lands† (1954). From these examples, Machiavelli is telling his reader that as a prince they must be flexible and show cruelty or compassion when needed in any situation. Machiavelli goes on to state that a prince should â€Å"be slow in believing and acting, and should make no one afraid of him†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦so that â€Å"too much confidence does not make him incautious, and too much suspicion does not make him unbearable† (1954). This is the way to keep support from his people and will not turn their backs on him when the going gets tough. Renaissance Humanism is defined as â€Å"a literary and linguistic movement-an attempt to revive classical Latin (and later Greek), as well as the values and sensibilities that came with the language† (Hunt et al, 415). Machiavelli’s The Prince was essentially a handbook for how a Prince should portray himself but could also be seen as a day to day handbook by the everyday people of his time for they were all faced with the same moral decisions on a daily basis. Machiavelli used The Prince as a gateway to create a moral and philosophical guide for all people in general and uses examples from history to show that the past needs to be embraced in order to gain a prosperous future. How to cite Machiavelli and Renaissance Humanism, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Heaven Or Hell That Is The Question free essay sample

Heaven Or Hell? That Is The Question. Essay, Research Paper I have caught myself believing several times about all the people that are in snake pit. And I wonder if they look back at their iniquitous lives and inquire themselves if all the pleasances that they had while life were deserving it. I am about certain that none of them like to be in that topographic point of ageless agony and wretchedness, but snake pit is the monetary value they have to pay for their earthly pruriences. Some desires can convey us to make impossible things in order to obtain them. Occasionally, we, conveying down people we love and in utmost instances, even subscribe away our psyche to Lucifer. We might be happy for a piece, but at the terminal, is it worth it? Dr. Faustus is the narrative of a adult male who makes a treaty with Lucifer in exchange for charming powers in hopes to achieve the ultimate in cognition. We will write a custom essay sample on Heaven Or Hell That Is The Question or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He desires this cognition because he wants to fulfill his every dream and be in changeless control of all of his milieus. The ground why I think that people like Dr. Faustus do non care about being iniquitous or giving away their psyches to derive pleasance is because they can non see the satisfaction that celestial life will convey. They merely see the pleasances they are having right now. We are all worlds, therefore we are non perfect, and God knows it. He has given us the pick to pick right from incorrect and if we pick the incorrect manner He is willing to forgive us if we repent. Dr. Faustus has more than adequate chances, after the contract, to turn out his wisdom through penitence. Sadly, pride obscures his position of several marks that show that the Lord would hear his calls. His first unnoticed manifestation is when his blood freezings on his arm. Another indicant is the nervous haste with which Lucife R appears whenever Faustus begins believing or talking about God. This should hold alerted the physician of God’s willingness to forgive him. At times, he unfeignedly wishes to atone but believes himself to be excessively far committed to the dark side and therefore, wallows in self-pity. I would impute the alteration that takes topographic point in him on his decease bed to the realisation on his portion that he is non a God, and that he is traveling to hold to pay for his deal with Mephistopheles after all. This scares him plenty to pierce the about insane hubris that possesses him at all other times. With the certain cognition that snake pit does be, he shows a sorrow of a sort, but it is non a sorrow of his actions, but more a sense that he has been betrayed by his ain cognition. Any service he gives to God in these last minutes of his life is strictly a kind of self-seeking want that things would non stop up the manner they do. But, even the at hand menace of ageless damn ation is non plenty to coerce Faustus to acknowledge that his ain cognition is non supreme and that there might be something above him which he must accept on religion. Faustus chooses to decease and travel to hell, even though he could hold saved his psyche through the simple act of penitence. Faustus is in control of his concluding fate, but his interior perturbation garbages to take penitence as a acceptable option. As I said before, we are non perfect animals, but even if we are imperfect, God, in His clemency, gives us the opportunity to atone. The ground why this work influences my life so much is because I do non desire to repent non populating in Eden because my pleasances won over my religion. Populating a life full of pleasances would divide me everlastingly from God. In my position, that is non deserving it.